Libbey Goodwin submitted by Libbey. Has participated in 1 previous competition. Libbey is a Simself. She is a knowledge Sim with a desire to become a scientist. She loves blondes and custom hair, but dislikes white hair. She is interested in science, entertainment and travel, but not money. She is neat, active and serious.

Natasha Kaston submitted by Melissa. Natasha is a fortune Sim with an ltw of having 6 pets reach the top of their careers. She likes black and custom hair, but not cologne. She doesn’t like sports, but does like entertainment. She is a serious and outgoing Aires.

Rachel Z. submitted by Rachel. Has participated in 1 previous challenge. Rachel is a Simself. She is a pleasure Sim who would like to have 50 dream dates. She is a playful and lazy Taurus who is interested in entertainment and fashion. She’s not a fan of politics. She has a natural enthusiasm and talent for games- and she is quite an active gamer. She finds hardworking, logical Sims attractive, but doesn’t like the smell of cologne. She has a secondary aspiration of knowledge. She participate in the first Bachelor Challenge.

Agnes Striker submitted by Robin. Agnes was put into foster care as a child. She never really grew a close attachment with anyone. Instead, she threw herself into knowledge and her favorite hobby, art. Agnes is a knowledge Sim who desires to max out 7 different skills. She’s fond of creative, red-heads, and is not a fan of cologne. She doesn’t like politics, but will happily discuss crime, entertainment and food. She is a shy, playful, lazy, friendly Aquarius.

Brittney Phoenix submitted by Brittney. Has participated in 1 previous competition. Brittney’s Simself. A family self whose ltw is to become Captain Hero. She’s developed high creativity and cooking. She’s an active, shy, and nice Sim (a pisces). She enjoys talking about food, entertainment, culture and fashion. She doesn’t like talking about animals. She enjoys arts and crafts. She thinks creativity and vampirism are sexy, and stink is her number one turn-off. She has taken knowledge as her secondary aspiration. Made it very far in the first Bachelor contest.

Emely Stratton submitted by Melissa. Emely Stratton is a outgoing and playful pleasure Sim with a ltw of becoming a celebrity chef. She is an Aires who enjoys work, and dislikes the environment. Her turn-ons include physical fitness and brown hair, but red hair isn’t her thing

And now you have met all our contestants! Up next: Meet the Bachelor! Any guesses as to who it is....?? Known to all Simmers everywhere....has a 1st or last name that begins with a "B"!
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