To recap:
- Challenges will now have 21 contestants separated into 3 houses
- More autonomous interactions! I really push the "hands-off" thing, it's fun!
- This is round "B", our second round, meaning our Bachelor will have either a 1st or last name that begins with "B"...and it will most likely be either a Sim that came with the game, an infamous NPC, or offspring of either of those two. (So not just some random eye candy).
- Check out my post on the new Bachelor rules for more!
- You can still continue submitting contestants! They will appear in Round C!
- I have selected at least 1 Sim from all who submitted, but remember there are 3 houses, so if you don't see your Sim in this update, don't panic. :)
- The 3rd house contains the 4 ladies from the last round who didn't find love (remember in addition to the winner, two contestants found love in each other).

Meet the ladies of House #1. Which one of these lucky ladies will win the heart of our Bachelor and take home $300,000 Simoleans?!!?
Will it be...

Shona Goodwin submitted by Libbey & modeled after family member. Shona is a family-oriented Sim with a lifetime want to become an education minister. She’s a virgo, which makes her modest, shy and practical. She’s turned on by fitness and brown hair, and dislikes face makeup. She enjoys discussing politics, food, the environment, and weather, but doesn’t find health, money, school or travel interesting.

Allanah Goodwin submitted by Libbey & modeled after a family member. Allanah thinks fitness and custom hair are hot, and vampires are not. She’s a romance Sim, with the goal of becoming a Hall of Famer. She enjoys conversations about weater, sci-fi and money, and dislikes those that are related to politics, crime and food. She’s a practical and an active Scorpio, though she’s slightly withdrawn socially.

Jeana Bachman submitted by Melissa. Jeana is a family Sim who would like to graduate 3 children from college. She is turned on by the smell of cologne and thinks vampires are sexy, but doesn’t like black hair. She likes fashion, money and the weather, but doesn’t like food or sports. She’s a neat & tidy Virgo with a extremely shy and playful personality, though she can be a bit grouchy.

Bellatrix Lestrange submitted by Opi. Bella is the only Sim outside of the Bachelor contestants, whom I have downloaded. She was supposed to be placed in my Harry Potter neighborhood. That has died. So, she is lost in my Sim bin looking for a place. Therefore, she is joining the Bachelor Challenge as all lost Sims do. Bellatrix is an impulsive and quick-tempered Aires whose mean streak gets in the way of her need to be loved by everyone (Popularity. Her lifetime want is “To Become the Law” (that was coincidence, for those of you HP fans who appreciate that LTW for her). She cares a lot about the culture in which she was raised, and the fortunes she’s grown accustomed to. But she cares nothing for her health, has no desire to travel anywhere, and isn’t concerned about the amount of crime. She finds logic and black hair sexy, and fatness unattractive.

Maria Foogley submitted by Ndayeni. Maria is the unfortunate product of an Uglacy. Despite her horrific appearance, she is a beautiful person- selfless and caring. She is a serious and shy family Sim, who wants to see three of her future offspring graduate from college. She’s not interested in discussing health or animals, but does like conversations about politics and money. She’s attracted to fitness and black hair, but finds vampires to scary to be sexy.

Jilly Kim submitted by Melissa. Jilly is a pleasure Sim with apparent romance Sim tendencies (her ltw is 50 1st dates). She is a libra which makes her romantic, charming and social. She is a very nice Sim, though she is a lazy slob. She enjoys discussing travel, politics, crime and culture, but not food, the environment or entertainment. She is into fit blondes, but dislikes black hair.

Next, we visit with House #2!
Who do you think the Bachelor will be??