When we last left off, Brittney had moved out, and everyone was sad (she seemed to be the current favorite, if I am interpreting people's comments correctly).

The following day was the group outing. No hot tub race this time, since there was only 3 left they just went out. The went to the Sugar Cube Bowling lanes. I tried to have them bowl together for a bit. But Sasha was being cranky, and then Adam was distracted by...well, you'll see in a minute.

Oh, and Mariel left because she got angry with Adam. I don't really know what provoked it. Perhaps he made a comment, but I wouldn't know cause I don't speak Simlish (well, fluently anyway, lol). Anyway, she poked and shoved him and then stormed off. Fitz as usually played the neutral card and just hung around applauding people who bowled well. Erm...Fitz has seemed to develop a crush on Adam, despite the lack of lightning bolt chemistry. Perhaps he's been hanging with the girls too long.

This *may* have been what Mariel was poking Adam about. Adam is a highly unusual Sim. He just oozes with chemistry. The majority of women that he meets he has a 2 LB chemistry with. I consider 3 LB "soulmate" status because they are so rare. In my game, when a 3 LB happens, and the person is already in a relationship, they have my permission to cheat, should they possess the desire to....That's how rare they are in my game. Anyway, Adam has already met THREE ladies outside the game whom he has had 3 LBs for!!!!!!! Crystal, pictured here, is one of them. And the reason he got distracted from the bowling.

The following day was another challenge, "The Bug Hunt". During the "Bug Hunt", all contestants are told to look for bugs outside. I chose this competition for Adam because he likes adventure and getting his hands dirty, and his partner shouldn't be grossed out by bugs or other forms of nature.

After all contestants had voluntarily stopped hunting, and had already used their free restart, the bug cases were mounted on the wall, and I viewed the total number of bugs caught.
Mariel- 1 Bug
Fitzwilliam- 3 Bugs
Sasha- 6 Bugs (holy cow)
Sasha earned some one on one time with the Bachelor.

Sasha- 198
Fitzwilliam- 182
Mariel- 167 (She had made a good last ditch effort to repair the relationship, and had the highest DAILY score, but it was too little too late).
Adios Mariel!
And now there are two!
The remaining two contestants were told to pack their bags because they were going on a 4 night vacation! Where do you think they will go?
I have never heard of this challenge, but it looks very interesting!!! I really enjoyed reading your updates, and look forward to finding out where they go on vacation :)
Gooo Sasha! She's really gotten it back together, and I need someone new to root for. But Fitz is pretty awesome himself. :)
Thanks, Kristine. If you check the Sims 2 forums for the Bachelor challenge you should be able to find more info. I changed it a bit, but the concept has been around for awhile.
Phoeniix, yeah...I am rooting for Sasha, because it'll be best for both of them. Since Fitz belongs with Buddy, obviously. :p
bwahahaha .. later Muriel oh i think it would be way funny if Fritz wins. mostly because Adam has no chemestry or hearts etc w/him
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