Early on Day 2, Buddy startled and horrified everyone when he decided to wash himself in the middle of the kitchen. With all the windows downstairs, and the kitchen being open to the living room and eating area...he basically gave everyone a good show.

The Bachelor left his pad to join everyone else for food at the buffet table. He chatted with many of the contestants. Above, you can see him eating lunch with Mariel.

Hot tub time! Here, the game is paused and I told all the contestants to get in the hot tub with the bachelor. I also X-ed out whatever they were doing at the time.

Brittany and Mariel were the first to arrive in the hot tub.

Eventually, another arrived. Sasha. And much to everyone's surprise, she hopped in naked. Brittany looks fairly disgusted at this. Mariel seems to be doing her best to just stay focused on what the bachelor is talking about. But Adam seems to be distracted by her.

Being the first three to hop in the tub, Brittany, Mariel and Sasha all got to go out for a bite to eat with Adam. Sasha mustn't have liked the food, or something, as she got up and left in the middle of dinner. Afterwards, they used the bubble blower and had a few laughs.
Move Outs: The move out days are more separated than in the original, so they are about every 3 to 4 days (as written in the schedule I have done up). The lowest score each time will get the boot. During the 1st move out, contestants that have 1-3 lightning bolts with our Bachelor are immune. During the 2nd move out, 2 Lb & 3 LB. And during the 3rd....3 LB (though we haven't seen any of those yet).
Score = Daily Relationship + Lifetime Relationship
(Ties broken by Bachelor)
Scores after Day 2
Mariel= 74
Rachel= 68
Buddy= 63
Fitzwilliam= 63
Libbey= 61
Brittany= 55
Sasha= 45
gosh sasha scored surprisingly low considering she was one in the hot tub and at dinner... how odd.
well now thats an interesting twist on your challenge. i am interested to find out well it goes.
Yes, things are playing out not as expected. I also thought that Sasha's outgoing personality would give her an advantage. But really, it just means she spends all her time talking to other contestants. She is also a little forward, and Adam doesn't always appreciate the interactions she decides to do. She also appears to have slight ADD, lol.
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