Day 11 brought the next contest: Stomach of Steel. Adam's ideal partner will have a strong stomach that is able to withstand eating exotic foods, the smell of fish when camping & catching their own food, trips on small planes and boats, etc...

For this challenge, the contestants took turns riding the Electrodance Sphere. As soon as a contestant...lost their lunch...they were eliminated from the game.

In round 1, the sphere was set to easy. All the contestants made it through round 1 unscathed.
In round 2, the sphere was set to medium. Libbey was the first person to puke, and the only person is round 2, so she was eliminated.

Meanwhile, Adam found a genie lamp on his door step. He made his three wishes: a long life, the ability to cheat death, and peace of mind.

For all the remaining rounds, the sphere was set to hard. Sasha couldn't take it and was eliminated in Round 3.
In round 4, Fitzwilliam had to be eliminated. So, it was just down to Mariel & Brittany- who had managed to not puke once.

In round 5, both of them were able to exit the sphere without puking.
In round 6, Brittany didn't make it.

Just to be sure Mariel had the strongest stomach, we put her on for an additional round (7) and STILL no pukeage! So, Mariel has earned 1 on 1 time with the Bachelor in the morning.
When not competing, the contestants were given free reign to do what they liked.
Score Update:
Mariel- 200 (BFF, Love)
Brittany- 198 (BFF)
Sasha- 156 (F)
Fitzwilliam- 130 (F)
Libbey- 114 (BFF)
1 comment:
Gah Brittany! You could have had it... grrr .. okay well that one on one will definitely put Mariel far ahead again. *sigh*
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