Saturday, August 23, 2008

My Gameplay

If you plan to follow along in more than just the Bachelor updates, here is how its going to go! :)

Gameplay Schedule
  • Rotate between each of my 'hoods. Playing 2 weeks per family.
  • In between each 'hood, I will run 1 Bachelor challenge.
  • After I rotate through all my 'hoods, I will start a new challenge.
How I play
  • I play with all families and enjoy playing with the Sims that came with the game, NPCs, townies, etc...
  • I used a set of complex tables to determine my day to day actions; they ensure that my game stays random, progresses slowly, etc...
  • I only use cheats when they are needed for a challenge, etc...
  • I roll a percentile roll each time my Sims woohoo, because I don't believe Sim birth control is that perfect
  • Life's Little Twists!!!
    • My newest addition to my quirky play style!
    • I have taken the "Disaster Jar" challenge, doubled the number of events by adding my own, and put it into table format
    • Each week, on Saturday, I will roll from Life's Little Twists; its composed of two tables with 100 events each. I have 2 d10s that I roll (creating a d100/percentile roll)
I encourage you to follow along! As you can see, my normal gameplay style is a challenge by itself, lol.

We visit all Sims, including those previously in challenges. So, for example, you'll see how Buddy & Fitz's lives turn out!

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