Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Lonely Bachelor: Day 14- Paint-Off


To earn 1 on 1 time with the Bachelor, contestants will need to earn the most money possible from their paintings during a 24-hour time period.

The results:
Brittney- $22
Fitzwilliam- $27
Mariel- $80
Sasha- $112

Sasha won!

During the paint-off, however, some drama began to happen! This is what we have been waiting for.
Brittney caught Mariel and Adam kissing. Afterward, Adam was still in love with Brittney, so this did not affect her score. And despite her anger, she still wants to be engaged to Adam.

After the contest, Fitz takes up Ballet.


Unknown said...

Hey hey. We finally get to see Fitz's face! Not too shabby. I thought he would be hideous. LOL.

Anonymous said...

Aww man! Hopefully this doesn't wreck my sim's chances. :)