The Shore Family, and all other residents of the Moon Islands, are the result of my mini-challenge "Shipwrecked". I wrote a short two-part story on the challenge which has received a pretty good response, you can check it out here:
If you read Shipwrecked Island, than you know the above photo is of Cliff. Cliff was a typical surfer dude. Not very intelligent- though he did have a knack for chess- but a relaxed, laid-back, cool guy.

And his gal, Ocean. When she arrived on the island she was a sophisticated, high maintenance, career woman who lived a fast-paced life and had no desire to settle down.

But that all changed on the island, Cliff and Ocean grew very close, he saved her life once, and together they had a child. Unfortunately, that child didn't make it off the island when the escaped. However devastating their stay on the island was, it did change their lives for the better.

When they were finally rescued, they bought a house on inhabited island not too far away. They led a nice leisurely lifestyle. Ocean had lost her desire to be a journalist and live in a city. She took up her childhood dream, to be a dancer. While Cliff simply worked at the local music store.

And that's where the story left off. Now, we'll check in on them for a couple of weeks and see what they've been up to. Ocean- now a Romance/Family Sim- was very pleased when she found out she was once again pregnant. Cliff was also overjoyed- he loves kids.

Sandy visits Ocean & Cliff very often, and their favorite pastime together is playing pool.

Ocean gave birth to a baby boy. Personality: 3 Sloppy, 4 Shy, 10 Active, 10 Playful, 8 Nice (talk about a handful).
Both his parents are slobs, so no surprise there. His dad is also shy and playful, and they are both super active. However, neither of his parents are particularly we aren't sure where that came from. He's a Sagittarius.

Cliff, random as always, really wanted to buy a tent. He put it in his backyard, and he likes to just sit in it from time to time.

Cliff is spending his retirement playing pool, playing in the pool, fishing, and playing in his tent.

Ocean still makes fabulous dishes and has a constant want to serve food- even when no one is hungry. We have a lot of leftovers in the fridge. :/

It's Saturday, so we roll from the Life's Little Twists table. And....drumroll....aww, boo. They got an easy one. All they had to do was go on a date. So, they got all dressed up for each other, called a nanny, called a Taxi...and then realized there is no where on the island to go for a date. So, they had one in their backyard. It was very successful. ;)

Eventually Harry grew into a toddler. As a toddler, he expressed an interest in science fiction and the paranormal. He also loves to draw and is quite creative for someone his age.

And he grew up again (not much happened in between, I think Ocean has received a couple promotions, but nothing too big).

We didn't have a party because he really didn't want one. But, he did want the cake.

Ocean and Cliff discussed having another baby, in fact, they both really wanted one. But, alas, Ocean had grown too old. :(

Harry loves his video games. He is also a huge fan of nature. Both of his parents are enthusiastic about nature because of their experience. However, both of them prefer sports.

Harry also enjoys any kind of electronic entertainment.

And he still loves to draw. He decided he wanted an easel to do "big kid drawings" and he took down all the drawings in his room.

So, much to his dismay, his mom plastered them all over the kitchen.

Toward the end of our stay, we had one very eventful day...The headmaster came over, and that went really well. But before he left, Cliff passed away from old age. Ocean didn't handle it so well, but buying drums and a guitar with the inheritance money helped a little.
Up Next: More from the Moon Islands.
Thanks for all the Bachelor Challenge submissions! I am still taking entries :)
1 comment:
Poor Ocean, losing dear Cliff :( Harry is cute! Enjoyed the update!!!
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