After that, I'll be doing another Lonely Bachelor Challenge. And I'm not spilling the beans on exactly who it is...but I'll give you a hint. It's someone you know!! ;)
It's not too late to submit a Sim (no guarantees it'll appear).
If you are interested, please fill out the following form and e-mail it to
Sims Name:
Creator's E-mail (optional; if you want updates):
Link to Sim (or send the file in an e-mail):
Secondary Aspiration(optional):
Personality (points or birth sign):
Gender Preference*:
Career (optional):
Description by Creator (optional):
Introduction by Sim (optional):
* Many of my bachelors & bachelorettes will not have gender preferences to start. I will allow them to develop that on their own. So both genders will be welcome in many challenges. However, if you'd like your Sim to have a specific gender preference please note it above, and I will make sure they are placed in an appropriate challenge. However, this may mean a longer wait to get placed.
You are encouraged to submit more than one Sim and Simselves are also more than welcome. Entertaining & humorous Sims, or Sims based on celebrities and other well-known people are great too. I have all expansion & stuff packs. Custom content needs to either a) be included in file or b) provided in a link, but is welcome.
So far you have my simself (I hope). I couldn't find your email so I posted it to the group. I'll email "me" again just in case. I also plan on submitting quite a few of my born in-game Sims from my Prosperity Challenge (I extracted using SimPE). hmmm. Maybe I'll do that tonight. Great updates as usual. This is fun!
Yep, Melissa, I have yours. I actually missed you sending it to the group, but because of your comment I went and looked for it. I set her all up tonight. I'll see if I can fit her into the next round. I still have a few that didn't make it into this one. She's very pretty btw!
I also have Ruby's entry, I set her up tonight too.
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