Monday, August 18, 2008

Announcement: Coming Up Next!!

After the Bachelor Challenge is complete, I will be heading over the Moon Islands to check up on the Shipwrecked Crew. Don't know who they are? Checkout their two part story: Part One and Part Two. It's complete, so don't worry. It's the story about my Shipwrecked Challenge.

After that, I'll be doing another Lonely Bachelor Challenge. And I'm not spilling the beans on exactly who it is...but I'll give you a hint. It's someone you know!! ;)

It's not too late to submit a Sim (no guarantees it'll appear).

If you are interested, please fill out the following form and e-mail it to

Sims Name:
Creator's E-mail (optional; if you want updates):
Link to Sim (or send the file in an e-mail):
Secondary Aspiration(optional):
Personality (points or birth sign):
Gender Preference*:
Career (optional):
Description by Creator (optional):
Introduction by Sim (optional):

* Many of my bachelors & bachelorettes will not have gender preferences to start. I will allow them to develop that on their own. So both genders will be welcome in many challenges. However, if you'd like your Sim to have a specific gender preference please note it above, and I will make sure they are placed in an appropriate challenge. However, this may mean a longer wait to get placed.

You are encouraged to submit more than one Sim and Simselves are also more than welcome. Entertaining & humorous Sims, or Sims based on celebrities and other well-known people are great too. I have all expansion & stuff packs. Custom content needs to either a) be included in file or b) provided in a link, but is welcome.


Unknown said...

So far you have my simself (I hope). I couldn't find your email so I posted it to the group. I'll email "me" again just in case. I also plan on submitting quite a few of my born in-game Sims from my Prosperity Challenge (I extracted using SimPE). hmmm. Maybe I'll do that tonight. Great updates as usual. This is fun!

Kara said...

Yep, Melissa, I have yours. I actually missed you sending it to the group, but because of your comment I went and looked for it. I set her all up tonight. I'll see if I can fit her into the next round. I still have a few that didn't make it into this one. She's very pretty btw!

I also have Ruby's entry, I set her up tonight too.