Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Lonely Bachelor: Day 15- Another Move-Out & More Drama

The following morning, Sasha got her 1 on 1 time with the Bachelor.

Afterwards, she took advantage of the situation. And earns herself a "love" status.

Meanwhile, I discover that Mariel now has three lightning bolts!!


Mariel does it AGAIN. She engages Adam in a romantic interaction in front of another. In this case, Sasha.

She seems pleased with herself.

Adam chases Brittney around for most of the day trying to get her to come outside and play a game with him. Eventually, he entices her with a game of football.

((These pictures are in order, so I have no idea why this one appears in the light. It was the same day. WTF?))

After the game, when Brittney goes to leave Adam attempts to serenade her. (Oh, BTW, Adam is fairly obsessed with Brittney. She is the center of most of his wants/fears and he only has a want to be engaged with her.)

Well, Mariel sees it, and gets angry. And then Brittney starts beating Adam up (poking, slapping, you name it)...apparently she just represses her anger til it explodes...or she didn't like the song.

Now everyone is angry with everyone....except for Fitz. He gets along with everyone.

Official Score Tally for Move Out Day:
Fitz- 176 (BFF)
Sasha- 138 (BFF, Love, Angry)
Mariel- 130 (BFF, Love, Angry, LB Updated to 3)
Brittney- 14 (BFF)

GASP! GASP! We have to say goodbye to BRITTNEY! *sob* Totally unexpected. These past two days have been way to eventful. :p


kimbalaya said...

Wow, Brittney dropped from 198 points to 14! That woman must be TICKED OFF!

M.McMillan said...

Great situation.

Unknown said...

oooh oooh oooh. I want more! LOL. Didn't expect Brittney to get the boot!

Anonymous said...

AGH! She was SO CLOSE! Dang Mariel!! :D

Kara said...

Brittney apparently bottles up her anger and then just explodes!

Don't worry. Brittney will definitely be back in another Bachelor competition!

And she'll be allowed to spend her aspiration points & lifetime points before it so she'll have a bit of an advantage. :)

Roo said...

aw dang it Brittney! I was counting on you *sighs* ah well it wasnt meant to be.. LOL watch it will be Fritz who stays.. too funny